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Welcome to Conscious Life Choices

Are you where you want to be in your life?

Does your relationship bring you great joy?

Do you love your job?

Your life is a story.
You are the creator of your story from the choices you’ve made in your life. Your story is framed by major life events: marriage, career, family, and faith. But, in between these major decisions are the thousands of small choices you make every day. Every one of your daily decisions fills in details that flavor your story.

You probably have made some choices in your life that you would like to change. But you may feel bound by your past decisions.

You are not bound by past choices!
Every day you’re faced with Choice-Points – defining moments of commitment. From what you have for breakfast to whether you change the nature of your relationships, you – and only you – are in control of what you decide. Freedom is within your reach.

Change your choices to change your future.
As your coach, I teach skills and and guide you so you reach that place of calm, peaceful decision-making that aligns with your values and leads you into a much more powerful and promising life, a life filled with joy and fulfillment.

If this is what you’re seeking you’ve arrived at the right place.
I’m Dr. Eleanor Haspel-Portner. I’ve been helping individuals and couples answer life choice questions since 1974, as a clinical psychologist, professional certified coach, educator, and consultant. As a specialist in life relationships, dating, communication and spiritual development issues, there isn’t much I haven’t addressed with my clients.

In fact, I’ve helped thousands of people harness their own unique and powerful inner tools that open the door to life-affirming decisions and lead them to joyful, fulfilling lives and relationships. I’d like you to have that opportunity, too.

During the course of my practice I’ve developed some of the most unique and innovative tools and techniques that help people in situations like yours. These pioneering advances have been proven to lead people to make clear and authentic choices.

Do you want to:

  • Honor your self and others in your life
  • Identify and build upon your unique strengths
  • Stay in alignment with your most deeply held values
  • Build mutually fulfilling conscious life relationships
  • Follow the greater purpose for your life, your highest goals
  • Open the door to living the life – and experiencing the love – of your dreams!

Are you ready to write a new story?

Contact me today. I’ve helped thousands of people find new, fulfilling stories that capture their dreams. I’m certain I can help you, too.

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Eleanor Haspel-Portner
Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D.
Pacific Palisades, CA
Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

Want the life you’ve always thought you should live?

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Top 10 Relationship “Deal Breakers”: Red Flag Alerts Everyone Needs To Know

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What People Are Saying:

“With compassion and grace, Eleanor facilitated my personal growth on my own terms and at my own pace. She always seemed to know just when I needed that extra push and when I needed a little time and space to reflect.” (Laurie S.Y)

“Eleanor’s ability to help me understand my strengths and weaknesses has facilitated a leap in personal growth on all levels.” (Marty M.)

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